
Fire services; fires, victims and rescues, employees, costs 1985-2013

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Data owner Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijksoverheid)
Updated 02/22/2024 - 00:00
License CC-BY (4.0)
  • Economy
Publicity level Public
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This table contains information about activities by the municipal fire brigades. The information concerns:

  • the number of fires the fire brigade turned out for
  • the number of victims due to these fires
  • the number of people rescued from these fires
  • the number of fires with damage and the amount of financial damage (1985 up to 1993)
  • the number of employees of the fire brigade (up to 2006)
  • the amount of fire fighting equipment (up to 2004)
  • the expenditures by municipalities for the fire brigade.

For fires, there is a registration of departure, driving and response times and a distinction between chimney fires, indoor and outdoor fires. The fires are separated by object of location (e.g. residential buildings, office buildings, verges).

For the year 2008, no information is available about both fire and assistance reports in the provinces Noord-Holland, Friesland, the regions North of the Netherlands and West of the Netherlands.

For the year 2009, no information is available about both fire and assistance reports in the Provinces Noord-Holland, Flevoland, the regions East Netherlands and West Netherlands. Furthermore, there is no data available on fires in residential buildings in 2009.

The amount of financial damage is not available from 1994 onwards. The figures about the amount of damage per object type were not reliable. Because of technical reasons not all the regional breakdowns are available at this moment.

Data available from 1985 to 2013.

Status of the figures: The data are final.

Changes as of: 6 January 2017: The data on 2013 are final and the table has been discontinued.

When will new figures be published? Not applicable. This table is replaced by the following tables:'Branden en hulpverleningen; meldingen bij de brandweermeldkamer, regio', 'Branden en hulpverleningen; alarmering van de brandweer, regio' en 'Branden; reactietijden van de brandweer, regio' (only in Dutch). See section 3 for links to relevant tables.

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JSON CC-BY (4.0)

Fires by cause and object, indoor fires, outdoor fires, victims and rescues, employees, fire equipment, costs


ATOM CC-BY (4.0)

Fires by cause and object, indoor fires, outdoor fires, victims and rescues, employees, fire equipment, costs