
Compensation of employees, employment; quarterly, NA, 1995-q1 2024

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State Available
Data owner Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijksoverheid)
Updated 06/24/2024 - 00:00
License CC-BY (4.0)
  • Economie
Publicity level Public
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This table provides annual and quarterly data about the compensation of employees, the wage costs and the labour volume of employees. Compensation of employees is classified in wages and salaries and employers' social contributions. The wage costs are the total of wages, social contributions paid by employers and taxes on wage costs minus wage cost subsidies. The labour volume is given in jobs (by sex), full-time equivalent (fte) and hours worked. The seasonal adjusted time series about the compensation of employees and the wages & salaries are also available in this table. The table additionally provides the compensation of employees, wages and salaries and wage costs related to full-time equivalents and hours worked.

Data available from: 1995 first quarter up to and including 2024 first quarter.

Status of the figures: Data from 1995 up to and including 2020 are final. Data of 2021 and further are provisional. Since this table has been discontinued, data of 2021 and further will not become final.

Changes as of June 24th 2024: None. This table has been discontinued. Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. New statistical sources, methods and concepts are implemented in the national accounts, in order to align the picture of the Dutch economy with all underlying source data and international guidelines for the compilation of the national accounts. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published? Not applicable anymore.

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JSON CC-BY (4.0)

Compensation of employees, wages, jobs (by sex) , fte, hours worked quarterly, economic activity


ATOM CC-BY (4.0)

Compensation of employees, wages, jobs (by sex) , fte, hours worked quarterly, economic activity