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Validated and gapfilled surface fluxes of net radiation, momentum, sensible heat, latent heat, soil heat and carbon dioxide at Cabauw on a 10-minute basis. For more information about how to interpret ...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 04-03-2025 |
Thema: |
Validated meteorological profile observations of wind speed, wind direction, temperature, dew point and visibility from the 200m Cabauw tower on a 10-minute basis. For more information about how to in...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 04-03-2025 |
Thema: |
Unvalidated surface fluxes of net radiation, momentum, sensible heat, latent heat, soil heat and carbon dioxide at Cabauw on a 10-minute basis. The data is updated in realtime, so the file of the curr...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 04-03-2025 |
Thema: |
Unvalidated meteorological surface observations of precipitation, visibility, radiation, air pressure, wind speed, wind direction, temperature and dew point at Cabauw on a 10-minute basis. Visibility ...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 04-03-2025 |
Thema: |
2-dimensional clouddata (IR brightness temp. and cloudmask) and cloudcover (total, high, middle and low) derived from sky brightness temperatures recorded with a scanning pyrometer. For more informati...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 04-03-2025 |
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The BALTEX BRIDGE CAMPAIGN: An integrated approach for a better understanding of clouds. The BBC was performed around a central experimental facility at Cabauw, Netherlands. Cabauw was part of a regio...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 04-03-2025 |
Thema: |
Four cloud cover parameters are retrieved continuously from sky temperature measurements by a scanning infrared radiometer (NubiScope). These parameters are resp. total, low -, middle - and high level...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 04-03-2025 |
Thema: |
Validated meteorological surface observations of precipitation, visibility, radiation, air pressure, wind speed, wind direction, temperature and dew point at Cabauw on a 10-minute basis. Visibility an...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 04-03-2025 |
Thema: |
Validated and gapfilled meteorological surface observations of precipitation, visibility, radiation, air pressure, wind speed, wind direction, temperature and dew point at Cabauw on a 10-minute basis....
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 04-03-2025 |
Thema: |
Validated short wave and longwave in and outgoing radiation at the surface from Cabauw on a 10-minute basis. At 14-June-2022 surface radiation temperatures are added from 08-September-2011 onward. For...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 04-03-2025 |
Thema: |