Warning message
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Dataverzoek doen
Validated short wave and longwave in and outgoing radiation at the surface from Cabauw on a 10-minute basis. At 14-June-2022 surface radiation temperatures are added from 08-September-2011 onward. For more information about how to interpret the data, please read: https://cdn.knmi.nl/knmi/pdf/bibliotheek/knmipubTR/TR384.pdf. Please note: Due to dataset maintenance, data uploading has been halted temporarily since 01-06-2021 for an unspecified time.
Gegevens van de aanbieder
- Data eigenaar:
- Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
- Afdeling:
- Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)
- Publicerende organisatie:
- Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
- Toegang:
- Publiek
- Status van de dataset:
- Beschikbaar
Licentie en voorwaarden
Locatie en tijd
- Begin dekkingsperiode:
- 01-05-2000
- Eind dekkingsperiode:
- 31-12-9999
Vergelijkbare datasets
- Radiation - unvalidated surface long and shortwave radiation, both in and outgoing at 10 minute interval at Cabauw
- Radiation - validated and gapfilled surface long and shortwave radiation, both in and outgoing at 10 minute interval at Cabauw
- Sunshine and radiation - sunshine and radiation at a 10 minute interval
- Radiation - transformed daily global radiation, KNMI14, Netherlands
- Radiation - BSRN irradiance data at 1 minute interval at Cabauw
- Clouds, precipitation and radiation - MSG-CPP products
- Surface fluxes - validated fluxes of heat, humidity, radiation, momentum and CO2 at 10 minute interval at Cabauw
- Surface fluxes - unvalidated fluxes of heat, humidity, radiation, momentum and CO2 at 10 minute interval at Cabauw
- Surface fluxes - validated and gapfilled fluxes of heat, humidity, radiation, momentum and CO2 at 10 minute interval at Cabauw
- Wind - windspeed, direction, standarddeviation at a 10 minute interval
Taal dataset
Taal van de metadata
Primaire identificatie van deze dataset
Geen feedback gevonden.
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Dataverzoek doen
Geen feedback gevonden.