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Realtime 3D radar composite that covers a wide area over the Netherlands and its direct surroundings. The composite is constructed based on data from Dutch, Belgian and German radars. From the 3D comp...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 02-05-2024 |
Thema: |
KNMI collects observations from the automatic weather stations situated in the Netherlands and BES islands on locations such as aerodromes, North Sea platforms and wind poles. This dataset provides me...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 02-05-2024 |
Thema: |
KNMI operates automatic weather stations on land (incl. airports). These weather stations measures meteorological parameters such as temperature, precipitation, wind, air pressure and global radiation...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 02-05-2024 |
Thema: |
KNMI collects observations from the automatic weather stations situated in the Netherlands and BES islands on locations such as aerodromes and North Sea platforms. In addition, wind data from KNMI win...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 02-05-2024 |
Thema: |
This dataset contains the code, location, site and operational status of all seismic and infrasound stations in the Netherlands and the Caribbean Netherlands. These networks consist of geophones in bo...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 02-05-2024 |
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Climatological radar rainfall dataset of 1 hour precipitation depths at a 2.4-km grid, which have been adjusted employing validated and complete rain gauge data from both KNMI rain gauge networks. Thi...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 13-04-2024 |
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Discharge has been measured at three locations. At these locations, measurement weirs have been installed in May 2007 to estimate discharges accurately. A V-notch weir is used to measure the inflow of...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
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3D ozone fields: assimilated nadir ozone profiles from GOME and GOME-2 observations. The ozone profiles are developed within the ozone project of the CCI programme of ESA.
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
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Validated soil temperature profile and soil heat fluxes at Cabauw on a 10-minute basis. For more information about how to interpret the data, please read: https://cdn.knmi.nl/knmi/pdf/bibliotheek/knmi...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
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This dataset represents AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth) estimates, retrieved from LARISSA (Lidar Aerosol Retrieval based on Information from Sea Surface of Aeolus)
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
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This dataset is constructed using measurements of radiationmeters and a algorithm for the calculation of sunshine duration. The dataset is neither validated nor are missing values completed.
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
Thema: |
The weather maps on this page are based on the results of the atmospheric models HARMONIE (analysis, AL) and ECMWF (forecasts, PL). The calculated earth pressure patterns are provided with weather sym...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
Thema: |
This dataset is constructed using measurements of temperature-and humiditysensors. The dataset also contains derived physical quantities like the wetbulbtemperature, dewpointstemperature and watervapo...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
Thema: |
This dataset is constructed using measurements of cloudheight-sensors and a algorithm for coverage. The dataset is neither validated nor are missing values completed.
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
Thema: |
Groundwater levels at Cabauw have been measured since August 2003 in two fields south of the tower. Nine piezometers were placed in a row. Initially, 6 of those piezometers contained pressure transduc...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
Thema: |
ERA Interim surface wind field, rescaled to equivalent neutral wind (taking atmospheric stratification in to account) and then rescaled to stress equivalent wind (taking air mass density in to account...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
Thema: |
This dataset contains post-processed X-band (central frequency of 9.475 GHz) weather radar data from the TU Delft IRCTR drizzle radar IDRA. It includes plan-position indicators (PPI) of the specific d...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
Thema: |
Groundwater levels at Cabauw have been measured since August 2003 in two fields south of the tower. Nine piezometers were placed in a row. Initially, 6 of those piezometers contained pressure transduc...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
Thema: |
This dataset contains the data used for the following paper: "Climate state dependence of precipitation variability". The following variables are available on a monthly timescale: total precipitation ...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
Thema: |
Dataset containing hourly data files provided by Ruisdael Observatory's Metek Micro Rain Radar (SN 0513108322) placed at Slufter. Time interval of measurements is 10 seconds and the range resolution i...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
Thema: |
Dataset containing hourly data files provided by Ruisdael Observatory's Metek Micro Rain Radar (SN 0512067699) placed at KNMI’s Remote Sensing Site in Cabauw. Time interval of measurements is 10 secon...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
Thema: |
KNMI manages and provides access to a metadata inventory which contains information about KNMI seismic networks, stations and their instruments. Such information varies over time, for instance when ne...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
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Data to be shared among URCLIM partners can be distributed and accessed through an URL http://gofile.me/1QXHe/xIfHlEXD
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
Thema: |
This dataset contains particulate matter mass concentration measurements using a TEOM 1400a sensor unit in combination with Series8500 FDMS monitor. The instrument is located in a Portakabin 500m nort...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
Thema: |
A ground-based UV-polarisation lidar was deployed to infer cloud droplet sizes and droplet number concentrations near the cloud base of cumulus clouds over Ascension Island. The measurements were part...
Data eigenaar: | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt: | 27-03-2024 |
Thema: |