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Zoals bouwplannen en verkeersmaatregelen.
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Status | Beschikbaar |
Data eigenaar | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut |
Bijgewerkt | 02-05-2024 |
Licentie | CC-BY (4.0) |
Thema |
Toegang | Publiek |
Metadata | Download (XML/RDF) |
U kunt bij ons een verzoek doen om een specifieke dataset aan te vragen.
Dataverzoek doenKNMI collects observations from the automatic weather stations situated in the Netherlands and BES islands on locations such as aerodromes and North Sea platforms. In addition, wind data from KNMI wind poles are included. The weather stations report every 10 minutes meteorological parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, wind, air pressure, visibility, precipitation, and cloud cover. The number of parameters differs per station. The file for the past 10 minutes is available a few minutes later and contains a timestamp denoting the end of the observation period in UTC. It is possible that a station's observations may not be immediately available. Files are updated with missing data up to 4 hours later.
For more technical documentation, you can go to https://english.knmidata.nl/open-data/actuele10mindataknmistations
For archived 10-min data, the data is split per variable https://dataplatform.knmi.nl/dataset/?tags=Archive
For validated history of climatological time series, you can go to https://www.knmi.nl/nederland-nu/klimatologie-metingen-en-waarnemingen
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U kunt bij ons een verzoek doen om een specifieke dataset aan te vragen.
Dataverzoek doenlandingpage
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