Aankondigingen over uw buurt
Zoals bouwplannen en verkeersmaatregelen.
Zoals bouwplannen en verkeersmaatregelen.
Adressen en contactpersonen van overheidsorganisaties.
Status | Beschikbaar |
Data eigenaar | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijksoverheid) |
Bijgewerkt | 03-06-2024 |
Licentie | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.nl |
Thema |
Toegang | Publiek |
Metadata | Download (XML/RDF) |
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Dataverzoek doenThis table contains information about developments in turnover in the branch Hairdressers and beauty treatment (ISIC 2008 code 9602). Turnover value and volume are presented. The data can further be divided by a number of branches according to Statistics Netherlands' Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities 2008 (ISIC 2008). The results are expressed in terms of indices with base year 2015. This table contains figures on year-on-year and seasonally adjusted quarter-on-quarter changes.
Data available from: 1st quarter 2005.
Status of the figures: All figures in the table are final.
Changes as of May 29, 2024: The 2023 figures have been updated.
Due to the government measures related to the corona virus, some services were not or only to a limited extent available in the first quarter of 2021. As a result, for some of these services, there were no transactions for which prices could be measured. The lack of sufficient transactions is the reason why volume figures are not published for some branches.
When will new figures be published? No longer applicable. This table was discontinued following the five-year base shift as of May 31, 2024 and was succeeded by a new table (see Trade and Services table in Section 3).
Bestemmingspagina: https://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/portal.html?_la=en&_catalog=CBS&tableId=83858ENG
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Dataverzoek doenhttps://opendata.cbs.nl/ODataApi/OData/83858ENG
Hairdressers and beauty treatment; turnover development, index 2015 = 100 ontwikkeling naar bedrijfsactiviteit. SBI 2008
Hairdressers and beauty treatment; turnover development, index 2015 = 100 ontwikkeling naar bedrijfsactiviteit. SBI 2008
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