Aankondigingen over uw buurt
Zoals bouwplannen en verkeersmaatregelen.
Zoals bouwplannen en verkeersmaatregelen.
Adressen en contactpersonen van overheidsorganisaties.
Status | Beschikbaar |
Data eigenaar | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijksoverheid) |
Bijgewerkt | 22-02-2024 |
Licentie | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.nl |
Thema |
Toegang | Publiek |
Metadata | Download (XML/RDF) |
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Dataverzoek doenThis table contains seasonally corrected information about the opinions of Dutch entrepreneurs about developments, expectations and judgments regarding their business. By means of a panel study insight is gained into the current situation, the future development and the judgments of the Dutch businesses. As a result, it is possible to signal changes in optimism or pessimism at an early stage and thus to obtain an early indication of a possible trend change in the economic activities of the Dutch business community. The data can be broken down into business activities according to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 2008). The questions submitted to the entrepreneurs relate among other things to production, turnover, prices, staff size, economic climate and profitability.
Data available from: 1st quarter 2016
Changes as of September 21st, 2023: This table has been discontinued. The current method for creating seasonally adjusted figures will be revised.
When will new figures be published? Not applicable.
Bestemmingspagina: https://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/portal.html?_la=en&_catalog=CBS&tableId=82851ENG
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U kunt bij ons een verzoek doen om een specifieke dataset aan te vragen.
Dataverzoek doenhttps://opendata.cbs.nl/ODataApi/OData/82851ENG
Business Survey Netherlands, production, turnover, profitability Economic climate, workforce, sector/branches, seasonally adjusted
Business Survey Netherlands, production, turnover, profitability Economic climate, workforce, sector/branches, seasonally adjusted
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