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Status | Beschikbaar |
Data eigenaar | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijksoverheid) |
Bijgewerkt | 15-11-2024 |
Licentie | CC-BY (4.0) |
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Toegang | Publiek |
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Dataverzoek doenThis table contains figures on the supply and consumption of energy broken down by sector and by energy commodity. The energy supply is equal to the indigenous production of energy plus the receipts minus the deliveries of energy plus the stock changes. Consumption of energy is equal to the sum of own use, distribution losses, final energy consumption, non-energy use and the total net energy transformation. For each sector, the supply of energy is equal to the consumption of energy.
For some energy commodities, the total of the observed domestic deliveries is not exactly equal to the sum of the observed domestic receipts. For these energy commodities, a statistical difference arises that can not be attributed to a sector.
The breakdown into sectors follows mainly the classification as is customary in international energy statistics. This classification is based on functions of various sectors in the energy system and for several break downs on the international Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). There are two main sectors: the energy sector (companies with main activity indigenous production or transformation of energy) and energy consumers (other companies, vehicles and dwellings). In addition to a breakdown by sector, there is also a breakdown by energy commodity, such as coal, various petroleum products, natural gas, renewable energy, electricity and heat and other energy commodities like non renewable waste.
The definitions used in this table are exactly in line with the definitions in the Energy Balance table; supply, transformation and consumption. That table does not contain a breakdown by sector (excluding final energy consumption), but it does provide information about imports, exports and bunkering and also provides more detail about the energy commodities.
Data available: From: 1990.
Status of the figures: Figures up to and including 2022 are definite. Figures for 2023 are revised provisional.
Changes as of November 15th 2024: The structure of the table has been adjusted. The adjustment concerns the division into sectors, with the aluminum industry now being distinguished separately within the non-ferrous metal sector. This table has also been revised for 2015 to 2021 as a result of new methods that have also been applied for 2022 and 2023. This concerns the following components: final energy consumption of LPG, distribution of final energy consumption of motor gasoline, sector classification of gas oil/diesel within the services and transfer of energy consumption of the nuclear industry from industry to the energy sector. The natural gas consumption of the wood and wood products industry has also been improved so that it is more comparable over time. This concerns changes of a maximum of a few PJ.
Changes as of June 7th 2024: Revised provisional figures of 2023 have been added.
Changes as of April 26th of 2024 The energy balance has been revised for 2015 and later on a limited number of points. The most important is the following:
Changes as of March 25th of 2024: The energy balance has been revised and restructured. This concerns mainly the following:
Different way of dealing with biofuels that have been mixed with fossil fuels
A breakdown of the natural gas balance of agriculture into greenhouse horticulture and other agriculture.
Final consumption of electricity in services
Blended biofuels Previously, biofuels mixed with fossil fuels were counted as petroleum crude and products. In the new energy balance, blended biofuels count for renewable energy and petroleum crude and products and the underlying products (such as gasoline, diesel and kerosene) only count the fossil part of mixtures of fossil and biogenic fuels. To make this clear, the names of the energy commodities have been changed. The consequence of this adjustment is that part of the energy has been moved from petroleum to renewable. The energy balance remains the same for total energy commodities. The aim of this adjustment is to make the increasing role of blended biofuels in the Energy Balance visible and to better align with the Energy Balances published by Eurostat and the International Energy Agency. Within renewable energy, biomass, liquid biomass is now a separate energy commodity. This concerns both pure and blended biofuels.
Greenhouse horticulture separately The energy consumption of agriculture in the Netherlands largely takes place in greenhouse horticulture. There is therefore a lot of attention for this sector and the need for separate data on energy consumption in greenhouse horticulture. To meet this need, the agriculture sector has been divided into two subsectors: Greenhouse horticulture and other agriculture. For the time being, we only publish separate natural gas figures for greenhouse horticulture.
Higher final consumption of electricity in services in 2021 and 2022. The way in which electric road transport is treated has improved, resulting in an increase in the supply and final consumption of electricity in services by more than 2 PJ in 2021 and 2022. This also works through the supply of electricity in sector H (Transport and storage).
Changes as of November 14th 2023: Figures for 2021 and 2022 haven been adjusted. Figures for the Energy Balance for 2015 to 2020 have been revised regarding the following items:
Changes as of June 15th 2023: Revised provisional figures of 2022 have been added.
Changes as of December 15th 2022: Figures for 1990 up to and including 2019 have been revised. The revision mainly concerns the consumption of gas- and diesel oil and energy commodities higher in the classification (total petroleum products, total crude and petroleum produtcs and total energy commodities). The revision is twofold:
Changes as of 1 March 2022: Figures for 1990 up to and including 2020 have been revised. The most important change is a different way of presenting own use of electricity of power-generating installations. Previously, this was regarded as electricity and CHP transformation input. From now on, this is seen as own use, as is customary in international energy statistics. As a result, the input and net energy transformation decrease and own use increases, on average about 15 PJ per year. Final consumers also have power generating installations. That's why final consumers now also have own use, previously this was not so. In the previous revision of 2021, the new sector blast furnaces was introduced for the years 2015 up to and including 2020, which describes the transformation of coke oven coke and coking coal into blast furnace gas that takes place in the production of pig iron from iron ore. This activity was previously part of the steel industry. With this revision, the change has been put back to 1990.
When will new figures be published? Revised provisional figures: June/July of the following year. Definite figures: December of the second following year.
Bestemmingspagina: https://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/portal.html?_la=en&_catalog=CBS&tableId=83989ENG
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Dataverzoek doenhttps://opendata.cbs.nl/ODataApi/OData/83989ENG
Supply, consumption, energy transformation Energy commodities, sector
Supply, consumption, energy transformation Energy commodities, sector
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