Unvalidated soil temperature profile and soil heat fluxes at Cabauw on a 10-minute basis. The data is updated realtime, so the last file might not contain all data yet. For more information about how ...
This dataset is constructed using measurements of temperature-sensors at various depths. The dataset is neither validated nor are missing values completed.
On https://maq-observations.nl/ we offer all operational measurements from three sites: Veenkampen, Loobos and Amsterdam. These observations include, but do not limit themselves to, temperature, humid...
On https://maq-observations.nl/ we offer all operational measurements from three sites: Veenkampen, Loobos and Amsterdam. These observations include, but do not limit themselves to, temperature, humid...
Validated soil temperature profile and soil heat fluxes at Cabauw on a 10-minute basis. For more information about how to interpret the data, please read: https://cdn.knmi.nl/knmi/pdf/bibliotheek/knmi...