
MAQ-Observations: Loobos

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State Available
Data owner Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
Updated 11/01/2024 - 00:00
License CC-BY (4.0)
  • Lucht
Publicity level Public
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On we offer all operational measurements from three sites: Veenkampen, Loobos and Amsterdam. These observations include, but do not limit themselves to, temperature, humidity, wind, radiation, soil moisture, soil temperature, energy and carbon fluxes and air quality (e.g. NOx, O3, PM). We offer up-to date charts of the current weather and air quality, as well as a historic dataset to explore, plot and download. You can visualize and download the data with our carefully designed graphical user interface, or download it using a custom tailored API key. We offer up to 627 data streams divided over the three stations at a temporal resolution of up to 20 seconds. Loobos is located in a Pine forest the Veluwe natural park, one of the largest European natural areas. Pine are the dominant species in the Veluwe. Hence Loobos is representative for a much larger acreage. The site was first established in 1995 and was home to one of the 3 first ecosystem flux sites globally. In 2021 a new tower was built and equipped. The research at Loobos aims at understanding the role of the ecosystem in the carbon and water cycle. As the forest, planted in the 1910’s, grows, it takes up CO2 from the atmosphere. This is an important feedback to climate change. But the amount of uptake depends on availability of water, temperature, radiation and air quality. Hence it is a very dynamic system, which we try to understand and predict. The research is done by MAQ at Wageningen University with Utrecht and Delft University as partners via the Ruisdael Observatory. Forest research is done by other groups in Wageningen as well, e.g. the GIS and Remote Sensing group collects LIDAR measurements of ecosystem geometry. We welcome other experimental groups and campaigns. A 36 m tall tower is built at the site in 2021, hosting eddy covariance instruments (CO2, heat, evaporation, Volatile Organic Compounds), radiation instruments, profiles of temperature, water vapour, CO2, wind speed. Soil temperature, moisture and heat flux and water table depth measurements are collected around the tower.


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