Aankondigingen over uw buurt
Zoals bouwplannen en verkeersmaatregelen.
Zoals bouwplannen en verkeersmaatregelen.
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State | Available |
Data owner | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijksoverheid) |
Updated | 02/22/2024 - 00:00 |
License | CC-BY (4.0) |
Thema |
Publicity level | Public |
Metadata | Download (XML/RDF) |
You can do a datarequest to request a specific dataset.
Make a data requestThe information on public sector contractual salaries is published as part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs' publication key figures on public sector employees. This publication annually describes the composition and the number of persons employed in eleven public sectors. Statistics Netherlands provides data on six public sectors, i.e. municipalities, provinces, district water boards, intermunicipal corporations, university hospitals and the police force. The Ministry of Internal Affairs provide from 2002 the public sector police force itself.
Data available from: 1997 Frequency: yearly
Status of the figures: The figures from 1997 until 2005 are final.
When will new figures be published? The table is canceled because the information on public sector contractual salaries is now published by the 'Ministry of Internal Affairs'.
Landing page: https://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/portal.html?_la=en&_catalog=CBS&tableId=70052eng
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You can do a datarequest to request a specific dataset.
Make a data requesthttps://opendata.cbs.nl/ODataApi/OData/70052eng
Employees by contractual salary and age The breakdown refers to six public sectors
Employees by contractual salary and age The breakdown refers to six public sectors
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