
Public-financed health care institutions; key figures, 2006-2014

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Data owner Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijksoverheid)
Updated 02/22/2024 - 00:00
License CC-BY (4.0)
  • Zorg en gezondheid
Publicity level Public
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This table includes national statistics on income statements, balance sheet figures and staff of enterprises and groups of enterprises with main activity hospital care, mental healthcare, care for the disabled, nursing home care , home care, residential care for other persons and youth care. The table includes only institutions financed through the Health care insurance act, the Exceptional Medical Expenses Act or provincial subsidies. The target population consists of enterprises and groups of enterprises in the following classes of the Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008): • 86101 University hospitals; • 86102 General hospitals; • 86103 Specialised hospitals (not mental); • 86104 and 86222 Care for mental health; • 8720 and 87301 Care for disabled persons; • 8710, 87302 and 88101 Residential and home care; • 87902 Residential care for other persons; • 87901 Residential care for children; • 88991 Social work for children. If the enterprises provide other activities – in the field of health care or otherwise - besides the main activity of the SIC class, these secondary activities are also part of the statistical unit. Enterprises in the specified SIC classes not financed through the Health care insurance act and/or the Exceptional Medical Expenses Act are not included in these statistics. For practical reasons, institutions for maternity care are not included.

Data available from: 2006 until 2015

Status of the figures: Figures are definite.

Changes as of 20th October 2017: This table has been discontinued. The table has been replaced by the table: Health care institutions, key figures, finance and personnel (see paragraph 3).

When will new figures be published? The table has been discontinued.

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JSON CC-BY (4.0)

Profit-and-loss account, balance sheet, personnel, hospitals, youth care nursing homes and home care, mental health care, care for the disabled


ATOM CC-BY (4.0)

Profit-and-loss account, balance sheet, personnel, hospitals, youth care nursing homes and home care, mental health care, care for the disabled