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State | Available |
Data owner | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijksoverheid) |
Updated | 02/03/2025 - 00:00 |
License | CC-BY (4.0) |
Thema |
Publicity level | Public |
Metadata | Download (XML/RDF) |
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Make a data requestThis table provides annual figures of asylum requests and following family members (persons and procedures), by citizenship. Apart from the total number of requests and family members, the number of first requests and subsequent requests is also included. The distinction between first requests and subsequent requests cannot be made before the reference year 2007. Therefore the number of first requests is set equal to the number of total requests. The distinction between asylum requests and family members can, until now, not be made before the reference year 2013. For some individual countries, no data is available for the years before 1994. However, the number of requests for asylum for these countries are included in the total number of requests. In all cases it concerns small numbers. From 2016 onwards the number of first requests includes relocation.
Data available from: 1975.
Status of the figures: The figures until 2023 are final. The figures for 2024 are provisional.
Changes as of February 2025: Provisional figures for 2024 have been added.
When will new figures be published? The new figures for 2025 will be published in February 2026.
Landing page: https://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/portal.html?_la=en&_catalog=CBS&tableId=80059eng
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Make a data requesthttps://opendata.cbs.nl/ODataApi/OData/80059eng
Historical data; first, subsequent asylum requests and Family members Citizenship
Historical data; first, subsequent asylum requests and Family members Citizenship
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