
Revenues water board levies; budget and actual

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Data owner Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijksoverheid)
Updated 03/05/2025 - 00:00
License CC-BY (4.0)
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This table contains data on the budgeted and actual revenues of the Dutch water authorities from the levies they charge to pay for their activities. The data include both net revenues (after deduction of irrecoverable amounts and remissions) and gross revenues (all water board levies as imposed on households and businesses). The gross revenues are broken down by activity. The water boards’ main activities include flood defence, water management (safeguarding the correct water levels for agriculture, nature, residents) and ensuring water quality (water treatment). Some water boards also manage roads and waterways. The data included in this table have been derived from the budgets and annual accounts as reported by the water boards for each reporting year. Data available from: 2015

Status of the figures: The budget figures for the year 2025 are provisional, figures for previous years are definitive. The actual figures for the year 2023 are provisional, the figures for previous years are definitive.

All provisional actual and budget figures are subject to adjustments based on new or updated source material.

Changes as of 5 March 2025: The budget figures for the year 2025 have been added. The budget figures for the previous year 2024 become definite.

When will new figures be published? New figures become available twice a year, in the first quarter and the fourth quarter. Provisional budget figures for the current year (t) are published in the first quarter. Budget figures over the previous year (t-1) can then be adjusted and become definitive. Provisional actual figures over the previous year (t-1) will be published no later than twelve months after the reporting period. Actual figures over two years previously (t-2) can then be adjusted and become definitive.

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JSON CC-BY (4.0)

Actual and budgeted revenues from water board levies; Water system charge and wastewater treatment levy.


ATOM CC-BY (4.0)

Actual and budgeted revenues from water board levies; Water system charge and wastewater treatment levy.