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State | Available |
Data owner | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijksoverheid) |
Updated | 12/16/2024 - 00:00 |
License | CC-BY (4.0) |
Thema |
Publicity level | Public |
Metadata | Download (XML/RDF) |
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Make a data requestThis table contains rates motor vehicle tax levied by provinces. Owners of passenger cars and motorcycles pay an amount in addition to the motor vehicle tax in provincial surcharges. The surcharges on motor vehicle tax are collected by the tax authorities, at the same time as motor vehicle tax, and then transferred to the province. The data in the table comes from the budgets that the provinces adopt prior to the reporting year.
Data available from: 2000
Status of the figures: The figures in this table are provisional at the time of first publication. The figures become final when figures for the following year are added to the series.
Changes as of 16 December 2024: Provisional figures for 2025 have been added. The figures for 2024 are definite.
When will new figures be published? The new figures will be published no later than January of the reporting year. The figures can be adjusted on the basis of the availability of new or updated source material. In general, the adjustments are small. The adjustments are made the moment a new annual figure is added to the series.
Landing page: https://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/portal.html?_la=en&_catalog=CBS&tableId=80889ENG
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Make a data requesthttps://opendata.cbs.nl/ODataApi/OData/80889ENG
Rate surcharges motor vehicle tax Per province.
Rate surcharges motor vehicle tax Per province.
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