
Renewable energy; final use and avoided use fossil energy,1990-2019

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Data owner Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijksoverheid)
Updated 02/22/2024 - 00:00
License CC-BY (4.0)
  • Energie
Publicity level Public
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Renewable energy is energy from wind, hydro power, the sun, the earth, biomass and heat from outdoor air. This is energy from natural processes that is replenished constantly.

This table expresses the use of renewable energy in three ways:

  1. Gross final consumption
  2. Avoided use of fossil energy
  3. Avoided emissions of carbon dioxide Figures are presented in an absolute way, as wel as related to the total energy use or total emissions of carbon dioxide in the Netherlands.

Avoiding the use of fossil energy and avoiding emissions of carbon dioxide are important underlying aims for stimulation the use of renewable energy.

The figures are broken down into energy source/technique and into application (electricity, heat and transport).

Data available from: 1990 to 2019, annually

Status of the figures: This table contains definite figures until 2018 and revised provisional for 2019. Since this table is discontinued, the figures will not become definite.

Changes as of February 2021: None; this table is discontinued

When will new figures be published? No longer applicable.

This table is succeeded by Renewable energy; final use and Avoided use of fossil energy and emission of CO2. See section 3.

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JSON CC-BY (4.0)

Renewable energy, final use and avoided fossil energy and avoided CO2 wind, solar, hydro, geothermal energy, aerothermal heat and biomass


ATOM CC-BY (4.0)

Renewable energy, final use and avoided fossil energy and avoided CO2 wind, solar, hydro, geothermal energy, aerothermal heat and biomass