
Crude balance sheet; supply, consumption and stock, 1944-April 2021

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Data owner Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijksoverheid)
Updated 02/22/2024 - 00:00
License CC-BY (4.0)
  • Energie
Publicity level Public
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This table shows the supply and the consumption of crude as a balance sheet. Crude include crude oil, natural gas liquids and additives (intermediates for motor gasoline and transport diesel). Separate balance sheet items are available for feedstocks for processing in the Netherlands and for feedstocks for the transit trade. The difference between the two flows is that import tax is paid for products destined for production in the Netherlands, while it is not paid for transit goods.

Supply is calculated as indigenous production plus production from crude oil plus production from other sources plus imports minus exports plus net stock changes. This calculation of the supply results in the amount of crude consumed in the period concerned.

From 1990 onwards, consumption is broken down by consumption as feedstock for transformation into other petroleum products and final consumption (no energy commodities remain). Up to 1990 only figures on consumption as feedstock for transformation are available.

Data available: From 1944

Status of the figures: This table contains definite figures until 2018 and provisional from January 2019. Since this table is discontinued, the figures will not become definite.

Changes as 30 July 2021 None; this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published? No longer applicable.

This table is succeeded by 'Crude and petroleum products balance sheet; supply and consumption'. See section 3.

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JSON CC-BY (4.0)

Crude balance sheet; supply, consumption and stock Feedstocks, destination


ATOM CC-BY (4.0)

Crude balance sheet; supply, consumption and stock Feedstocks, destination