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State | Available |
Data owner | Provincie Zuid-Holland |
Updated | 01/03/2025 - 00:00 |
License | Publiek domein |
Thema |
Publicity level | Public |
Metadata | Download (XML/RDF) |
You can do a datarequest to request a specific dataset.
Make a data requestThis dataset is copied from Eurostat and visualizes the NUTS3 areas as of 2021. It includes information about wether or not the areas are metropolitan areas.
The province of South-Holland also analyzed the population data from Eurostat at Nuts 3 level from 2015 to 2022. We identified areas where the population grew, stayed stable of declined. This information is added to each area.
Created for the Mapping METREX GIS-viewer, hosted by province South-Holland. Link to the viewer: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/2a24effbf2a1495aa0d20966f4b70886.
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You can do a datarequest to request a specific dataset.
Make a data requestDit is een grafische representatie van de dataset die via het NationaalGeoregister.nl aangeboden wordt.
Het is mogelijk dat deze grafische representatie geen weerspiegeling van de data is, maar dient als ondersteunende afbeelding. Indien de dataset via een OGC:WMS service aangeboden wordt, is het mogelijk om zelf een grafische weergave van de dataset te genereren.
Source: https://geodata.zuid-holland.nl/geoserver/algemeen/wms?service=WMS&version=1.3.0&request=GetMap&layers=algemeen%3AMETREX_EUROSTAT_NUTS3_POPULATION_EU2015_2022&bbox=-3076162.6068%2C-2824230.8134000003%2C5415879.033500001%2C10026010.8334&width=768&height=507&crs=EPSG%3A3035&maxFeatures=40000&format=image%2FpngEurostat NUTS3 2021 - European Metropolitan Areas with Population 2015-2022
Eurostat NUTS3 2021 - European Metropolitan Areas with Population 2015-2022
name | type | description |
name NUTS_2021 | smallint | type Region Nuts level (division of 2021) |
name NUTS_ID | nvarchar | type |
name Name_Unicode | nvarchar | type |
name Name_Western | nvarchar | type |
name Name_ASCII | nvarchar | type |
name Name_Unicode_2 | nvarchar | type |
name Name_Western_2 | nvarchar | type |
name Name_ASCII_2 | nvarchar | type |
name Name_Unicode_1 | nvarchar | type |
name Name_Western_1 | nvarchar | type |
name Name_ASCII_1 | nvarchar | type |
name Name_Unicode_0 | nvarchar | type |
name Name_Western_0 | nvarchar | type |
name Name_ASCII_0 | nvarchar | type |
name Country | nvarchar | type |
name Country_code | nvarchar | type |
name Metropolitan_category | nvarchar | type |
name Metropolitan_code | nvarchar | type |
name Metropolitan_label | nvarchar | type |
name Q_2015_population | int | type |
name Q_2016_population | int | type |
name Q_2017_population | int | type |
name Q_2018_population | int | type |
name Q_2019_population | int | type |
name Q_2020_population | int | type |
name Q_2021_population | int | type |
name Q_2022_population | int | type |
name Difference_2015_2022_populatio | int | type Population difference between 2015 and 2022 |
name Difference_percentage_2015_202 | numeric | type Percentage difference population between 2015 and 2022 |
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