
CORINE: Veranderingen in landgebruik in Nederland tussen 2000 en 2006

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Data owner Wageningen UR
Updated 12/20/2024 - 00:00
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CORINE Land Cover change (2000-2006) database of the Netherlands An increasing need for factual and quantitative information on the state of the environment of DG Environment, DG Agriculture and other users initiated a proposal of the EEA to collaborate with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Commission (EC) on the implementation of a fast track service on land monitoring. The project focused on on timely, quality assured data, in particular in land cover and land use related issues for 2006-2008. The CLC2006 project is part of the GMES Fast Track Service Precursor (FTSP) Land Monitoring. In CLC2006 38 countries with total area of 5.8 Mkm2 are participating (32 EEA member states and 6 collaborating countries). 2. Thunnissen, H.A.M. and Middelaar, H.J. van, 1995. The CORINE Land Cover database of the Netherlands. Final report of the CORINE Land Cover project in the Netherlands. Report 78. Alterra, the Netherlands 3.EEA and ETC-TE, 2002. CORINE Land Cover update I&CLC2000 project. Technical Guidelines. Final Version. EEA, Denmark

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