
Growth accounts; national accounts

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Data owner Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijksoverheid)
Updated 12/20/2024 - 00:00
License CC-BY (4.0)
  • Economie
Publicity level Public
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This table presents the outcomes of the Dutch growth accounts. The growth accounts show the contributions of the different production factors to the economic growth. This helps to determine which part of production growth is explained by a change in input of capital (K), labour (L), energy (E), materials (M) or services (S). The results of the growth accounts also show the contribution of multi-factor productivity. This is the part of economic growth that cannot be attributed to one of the production factors. Disaggregated data, labour and capital productivity are also published in this table. The data on consolidated production and consumption are not available for the years 1995-2020. This is due to the lack of an input-output table with volume changes for these reporting years.

Data available from: 1995.

Status of the figures: Data for the reporting years 2022 and 2023 are provisional.

Changes as of 20 December 2024: None, this is a new table. Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. The Dutch national accounts are recently revised. New statistical sources, methods and concepts are implemented in the national accounts, in order to align the picture of the Dutch economy with all underlying source data and international guidelines for the compilation of the national accounts. This table contains revised data. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published? Provisional data are published around 9 months after the end of the reporting year. Final data are released 33 months after the end of the reporting year.

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JSON CC-BY (4.0)

Productivity: labour, capital, multi-factor productivity Classification (SIC 2008)


ATOM CC-BY (4.0)

Productivity: labour, capital, multi-factor productivity Classification (SIC 2008)