
Investment motives by enterprises; expectation and realization

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State Available
Data owner Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijksoverheid)
Updated 01/31/2025 - 00:00
License CC-BY (4.0)
  • Economie
Publicity level Public
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This table contains figures on investment expectations and realizations for the purchase of tangible fixed assets from companies in the industry and energy. The data can be broken down by investment motive (emission reduction, energy reduction, circular production, digitization and other) and industry/sector according to the Standard Industrial Classification (SBI 2008) of Statistics Netherlands.

The amount of investments fluctuates greatly over time. Investment expectations can also be subject to fluctuations. For example, companies can adjust their expectations during the course of the year because they decide to cancel, postpone or accelerate investment projects. In addition, the date of delivery of the tangible fixed assets may shift. The data is available per sector within industry and energy.

The statistic “Investments; expectations and achievements” is realized with co-financing by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate and is carried out annually in February by Statistics Netherlands.

Data available from: 2023

Status of the figures: The figures of 2023 in this table are revised provisional and the figures of 2024 are provisional.

Changes as of November 29, 2024: The provisional figures of 2023 have been adjusted and are revised provisional now.

When will new figures be available? The investment data for year T has the following publication schedule: • Mid year T: Expectation T (final) Realization T minus 1 (provisional figure) Realization T minus 2 (final) • At the end of year T: Realization T minus 1 (provisional)

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Investments by expectation and realization Motives and SIC (2008)


ATOM CC-BY (4.0)

Investments by expectation and realization Motives and SIC (2008)