
External migration; sex, age, marital status and country of birth

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Data owner Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijksoverheid)
Updated 06/03/2024 - 00:00
License CC-BY (4.0)
  • Migratie en integratie
Publicity level Public
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Immigration and emigration in the Netherlands and the administrative corrections by country of birth, sex, age and marital status.

CBS is in transition towards a new classification of the population by origin. Greater emphasis is now placed on where a person was born, aside from where that person’s parents were born. The term ‘migration background’ is no longer used in this regard. The main categories western/non-western are replaced by categories based on continents and a few countries that share a specific migration history with the Netherlands. The new classification by origin is being introduced gradually in tables and publications on population by origin.

Data available from: 2020

Status of the figures: All data recorded in this publication are final data.

Changes as from 3 June 2024: Final figures of 2023 have been added.

Changes as from 8 March 2024: None, this is a new table. This table succeeds the table External migration; sex, age, marital status and country of birth; 1995-2022. See section 3. The following changes have been implemented compared to the discontinued table:

  • The countries Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey have been assigned to the continent of Asia (previously Europe);
  • Relative to the discontinued table, minor differences may occur. The differences are due to a change in the production process.

When will new figures be published? The final figures of 2024 will be added in the third quarter of 2025 in this publication.

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Immigration, emigration and the administrative corrections in The Netherlands by counrty of birth, sex, age and marital status


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Immigration, emigration and the administrative corrections in The Netherlands by counrty of birth, sex, age and marital status