
Precipitation - radar/gauge 5 minute early reanalysis accumulations over the Netherlands

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State Available
Data owner Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
Updated 01/07/2025 - 00:00
License CC-BY (4.0)
  • Lucht
Publicity level Public
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Gridded files of radar-derived 5 minute precipitation accumulations, corrected by rain gauge data. Radar data over the Netherlands and surrounding area measured by Dutch, Belgian, and German radars are corrected by available data from automatic and manual rain gauges. Time interval is 5 minutes.

Starting with data from 31 January 2023 - 10.45 UTC onwards, this dataset is created using improved algorithms. This includes correction for signal attenuation, correction for vertical variation of precipitation, correction for fast-moving showers and use of uncertainty information in merging data from multiple radars.

Starting with data from 18 November 2024 - 14.40 UTC onwards, this dataset is created using improved methodologies. This includes a) the usage of additional rain gauge data from water authorities and water companies, b) a two-step methodology to construct based on rain gauge data a large-scale and localised adjustment field for correcting precipitation estimates; and c) reducing the quality indication of data of the Herwijnen radar of the lowest two elevations and for a small set of azimuth angles, to mitigate beam blockage due to trees and wind turbines.


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