- Title:
- Traffic data Amsterdam
- Requested data:
- Together with the City of Amsterdam we identified a couple of datasets that would be of great use for this project. One of them would look at traffic within a neighborhood for example. My question to you is what information is available around this topic for Amsterdam? What we have in mind is maybe the amount of cars on a certain crossing or most crowded routes over time.
- Requested period:
- 02/27/2017 - 00:00 till 02/27/2017 - 00:00
- Usage:
- As part of this project we are building a prototype which will be presented to the inhabitants and civil servants of Amsterdam with the question whether rhythm can be detected. In a second step, we will import data of other cities into the prototype with the same idea. This allows us to validate the prototype on the spot in our explorative phase. Rhythms will be generated on a neighborhood level, which makes it possible to compare those rhythms across a city. City Rhythm is a research project of TU Delft, in collaboration with 6 cities (Den Haag, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Zoetermeer, Zaanstad and Helmond) as well as the Ams Institute in Amsterdam.