Probability forecasts for possible dangerous weather, based on weather model output from the ECMWF atmospheric ensemble model. Probabilities are uncalibrated. Available are forcast for elements like: ...
A selection of weather model parameters, including aviation parameters. It concerns near surface and boundary layer parameters (up to 1500m) of the UWC-West HARMONIE-AROME Cy43 model, for the Dutch d...
The weather maps on this page are based on the results of the atmospheric models HARMONIE (analysis, AL) and ECMWF (forecasts, PL). The calculated earth pressure patterns are provided with weather sym...
Altitude wind forecasts spanning up to 200 meters, catering to multiple locations in the Netherlands and the North Sea region. It relies on inputs like wind direction, wind speed, and total cloud cove...
A gridded 50-member ensemble of precipitation forecasts that are created using a tree-based machine learning method, quantile regression forests, and inputs from the deterministic Harmonie-Arome (HA) ...