Hazard maps published by the KNMI. The last version (v4) has been published on June 15, 2017. Previous versions were originally published in June 2016 (v2), October 2015 (v1) and December 2013 (v0). T...
This dataset contains the location (epicentre), origin time (UTC), magnitude, depth [km] and type of the last 100 earthquakes in and around the Netherlands. The location of the epicentre has an uncert...
This dataset contains the location (epicentre), origin time (UTC), magnitude, depth [km] and type of all the earthquakes in and around the Netherlands. The location of the epicentre has an uncertainty...
This dataset contains the code, location, site and operational status of all seismic and infrasound stations in the Netherlands and the Caribbean Netherlands. These networks consist of geophones in bo...